Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Meditation: How to open your chakras

We all have days when we feel stressed and fatigued over our everyday activities, and sometimes experience relating health problems such as headaches, stomachaches and other body pains. These health problems may be due to blocked chakras creating and imbalance in your health. 

There is more than one way to unblock chakras and to restore balance, but I would like to focus on meditation. 

Chakra opening meditation allows a continuous flow of energy in and out of your body. Unblocked chakras will allow good harmony and balance of energy within your body. 

Meditation (when done right) is a very effective way to unblock your chakras and allow energy to flow without problems. Once your chakras are unblocked you will experience a universal oneness with all that is, and you will have a healthy body and state of mind. 


While practicing meditation, is best to find a quiet place where you won't be disturbed by outside noise. You may sit or lay down, whichever is most comfortable for you. 

The breathing method is important. Breathing should me rhythmic and not forced. Don't think about breathing, simply allow it to happen and just observe it. 

If you have problems quieting your mind, try to visualize a volume dial. In your mind, slowly begin to turn down the volume. At anytime during your meditation you find thoughts popping back into your head you may bring this volume dial back and adjust. 

Once your mind has become quiet, begin to bring your attention to you red root chakra, located at the base of your spine. Visualize a glowing red light that becomes brighter the more you focus on it. Continue to focus on it and begin to visualize it spinning counterclockwise, spinning faster and faster with every breath. Once it is glowing brightly and rapidly spinning you may move up to your next chakra and begin the process again until you have completed all 7 chakras.

• Root Chakra - located at the base of your spine near the tail bone area. Associated colour is RED

• Sacral Chakra (navel chakra) - located in the lower abdomen about 2 inches above the navel. Associated colour is ORANGE

 • Solar Plexus Chakra - located in the upper abdomen in the stomach area. Associated colour is YELLOW.

 • Heart Chakra - located in the center of our chest just above the heart. Associated colour is GREEN. 

• Throat Chakra - located in throat. Associated colour is LIGHT BLUE.

 • Third Eye Chakra (brow chakra) - located on the forehead between the eyes. Associated colour is BLUE.

 • Crown Chakra - located at the very top of the head. Associated colour is PINK. 

Once you have gone through the 7 chakras stay in the meditative state for a while and embrace the feeling of total oneness and feel the energy flowing through you. Enjoy the peaceful state you are in and when you are ready, slowly bring your awareness back to your surroundings. Slowly stretch your arms out in front of your body and then above your head. Bring them back to your body and open your eyes. 


- Note: it is recommended that you meditate according to your age. Example: 30 years means 30 minutes. There is no harm in going longer. -

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