As humans, we tend to go through life keeping busy by looking outside of ourselves for satisfaction. While these distractions bring a temporary respite, sooner or later, our inner demons come knocking at our door wanting to be noticed. It is up to us to learn how to face them and to conquer them. There is no better time than now to start.
What Are Inner Demons?
Inner demons on the monsters hiding under our emotional beds. They are the fears, despairs, frustration, disappointments, and heartache that we carry within ourselves. Feelings and personal issues which reside in is, that bind us, torment us and keeps us prisoners of our own minds.
Practicing meditation helps you to realized and get to know all aspects of yourself, including the sides that you didn't even know existed. It helps you to come face to face with your inner demons.
We have two choices when it comes to handling out inner demons. We can confront them face-to-face, or we can attempt to 'run away' and hide from them.
Because our inner demons are hidden aspects of ourselves, no matter how hard we try, we can never hide from them. To attempt to do so is to sentence yourself to a life of fear and bondage.
How To Face Your Inner Demons
Before you can successfully move deeper into meditation it is important to lie with your past grievances and let them pass through your body and mind.
Old nagging memories linger in the unexamined mind. They rot and fester there and manifest themselves as addictions, uncontrollable reactions such as anger, and anxieties.
The inner regions of our mind are not governed by reason or logic. You can only pretend not to notice its total presence. In this mysterious place lies a multidimensional wilderness full of life and death, decay and flowering plants. This place functions best when one practices and applies balance.
When internal troubles are neglected they become like a wildfire and begins to consume your life.
Facing the inner demons within yourself will mean that you relive every traumatic experience, no matter how minor or severe, and accepting all aspects of yourself.
Every traumatic experience that was never dealt with bat the time created a side if yourself that you may not like. It is important that we understand, accept and love each of these extensions of ourselves. We can do this once we have forgiven and let go of the past.
A good place to start would be to go about your normal meditation routine. Once you have reached a place where you are relaxed and your mind is clear just observe. If you find thoughts creeping in don't fight them off. Don't engage in them either, just observe them. If things become too much to handle you may stop your meditation at anytime, but understand these inner demons will never go away until you face them. You will more than likely be overwhelmed with different emotions, sadness, anger, fear. Your senses will react too. You may feel, taste, smell things as well. Don't fight them. Recognize the side of you that was created during this past event. You will now have to face that side of you that you never knew existed until today. Embrace this side of you and love this side of you. Let go of the past trauma with a greater sense of understanding about yourself. Feel the warm blanket of peace consume your body completely. You have now freed yourself from that inner demon. Whenever you are ready you may open your eyes and end your meditation. Take as long as you need and don't rush it. You don't want to be left with the feeling of unfinished business.
As fearful as this may seem, understand that you are never given more than what you are able to handle.
This process will happen again, many times over until you have freed yourself from all that holds you back in life.
This life is a beautiful journey to be enjoyed and experienced in every way. Don't allow yourself to be held back.