Thursday, 14 November 2013

What is 'Higher Consciousness'

Welcome to the beginning of your journey to higher consciousness!

You have already taken the irst step by trying to learn and discover what higher consciousness is. Maybe you just stumbled across this and stuck around out of curiosity, but believe nothing happens by accident. You are here because you are ready to start your journey. Let's begin by gaining a better understanding of what 'higher consciousness' is.

Higher consciousness has many different names: collective consciousness, Christ consciousness, Buddha consciousness, superconsciousness, and God consciousness. (Just to name a few).

Higher consciousness is a spiritual or energetic awareness that transcends the minds 'normal' preoccupation with past and future. As you raise your consciousness you weaken to the eternal, unlimited nature of your being.

Higher consciousness is ever-increasing awareness of the meaning of existence; your spiritual essence; and of the energetic or spiritual nature in all things.

As humans, we believe we are separate from everything else, alone and vulnerable. But are we?

At the higher levels of consciousness, we no longer feel separated. We feel, know, and experience total and complete oneness with the universal energy field.

You may find yourself wondering if it is possible to achieve a higher consciousness given the truly exceptional nature of the of the people we associate with it: Jesus, Buddha etc.

The answer is yes!

The great religions of the world came to be because if this innate human desire to rise above the temporary, chaotic physical existence. Deep down we know we are much more...

-Stick around for my next post where I will be discussing how to achieve 'higher consciousness'. -

How to attain 'Higher Consciousness'

This is the beginning of awakening to your true nature as an infinite, eternal point of consciousness. When you learn self-mastery (mastering of thoughts and emotions) and embrace and embody the concepts of compassion, understanding, patience, kindness, forgiveness, gratitude, unconditional love and truthfulness (among others) you will reach a higher level of consciousness.

You can help elevate yourself to a level of higher consciousness through meditation ( Which I'll be getting into in my next entry) and other spiritual practices including awareness (mindfulness) and development of intuition.

Most humans are in a "sleeping" state, even while awake. This means we are blind to the true nature of existence.  We see what WE perceive to be reality, but it is a false reality due to our past conditioning. This is also different for everyone. We all perceive a different reality and a different truth. No wonder we fight so much!

As I mentioned in my last entry, we as humans see ourselves as separate from everything else. This isn't the case.

Imagine an ocean of pure, loving energy. It is infinite and eternal. As part of that ocean, where do you begin and end? What are your boundaries? If a drop of water fell into the ocean, could you see it once it has entered the greater body of water? You can't.  When it comes to the universal energy field there is no surface, no boundaries- and so we can never be separate from it! We (each and every one of us) ARE the ocean of conscious energy.

Imagine now if you stopped seeing yourself as separate, how differently would you feel? You would see your face in the face of a stranger or an enemy. You would become patient, kind and compassionate towards all beings.


This is all a process that takes time and dedication because the mind is difficult to master and it must be done in baby steps. 

Once you have reached the high levels of consciousness you don't master your thoughts anymore. You transcend them.  You become intensely aware of the true nature of reality without the constant mental chatter and questions of 'what is?'.

One way you can begin your ascension to higher consciousness right this moment is to think, say, and do things that feel good and and right and avoid the things that don't.  You're own energy will begin vibrating st a higher rate the instant you do that, and you will attract those good energies back to you. My challenge for you is to do this and continue to for a week. You will see and feel the difference. Even this small glimpse of the higher consciousness is more than enough to excite and amaze you and you will want to continue this journey.

Anyone who is serious about transcending the mind and elevating themselves to a level of higher consciousness can do so.

- Up next: the chakras and how to meditate to a higher consciousness-